Journal Reflection 8 ::Culture Shock::

There’s a lot of issues regarding about culture shock? Is it OK to be discussed here?  =)
Let us look on the definition first..

-CuLtUrE  ShOcK-
Culture shock exactly means the impact you may feel when you enter a culture very different from one to which you are accustomed. OR
The presence of seemingly irrational, inscrutable, offensive, or even hostile aspects of the target culture.

If one has been living in another country for a long time - noted the obvious differences, felt comfortable, then begun to realize there are other more fundamental, but subtle differences - finally they will learn that folks have different ways of solving the same challenges. The problem is then that one may suffer even more severe cultural shock upon returning home. In some places the cars are too large, the people too hurried, and many unusual things perhaps.

Culture shock can be in terms of:
  • Body Language
  • Names Behaviors
  • Law
  • Other

What are the causes that lead a person to face culture shock???
  • It may happen when you take a culture for granted
  •  Can also occur when changing jobs, even if you don't move. That is, corporate-culture shock.
Culture shock can be in terms of:
  • Body Language
  • Names 
  • Behaviors 
  •  Law 
  •  Other


Symptoms of culture shock are:
  • ·         excessive concern over cleanliness and the feeling that what is new and strange is "dirty." This could be in relation to drinking water, food, dishes, and bedding.
  • ·         fear of physical contact with attendants or servants
  • ·         a feeling of helplessness and a desire for dependence on long-term residents of one's own nationality
  • ·         irritation over delays and other minor frustrations out of proportion to their causes
  • ·         delay and outright refusal to learn the language of the host country
  • ·         excessive fear of being cheated, robbed, or injured; great concern over minor pains and irruptions of the skin
  • ·         terrible longing to be back home, to be in familiar surroundings, to visit one's relatives, and, in general, to talk to people who really "make sense."

To make it in simple way, once we feel like very awkward with the new situation, yes, we may have culture shock..agree or not???

Let me give some examples....
  • ·         A girl who comes from a ‘girl school’ since her primary school up till secondary school for example untill Form 6 and lives with her family and never experience being in a hostel might have cultural shock when she step into university to further her study. Of course, she will meet variety kinds of people out there. Without a proper adjustment, many problems can occur.

Below is another example of culture shock..

Extracted from The Star 

  • ·         In Greece, for example, smiling when you meet someone for the first time appears as a weakness. Many Greeks think that Americans smile too much and therefore are weak, and many Americans think that the Greeks are too stoic!!

So, people....think, think and think...MULTICULTURALLY...   =)

By Noor Fazalina

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