Journal Reflection 13 ::Treasure Hunt::

Today, 6th May 2012 I  went to Bukit Cerakah,Shah Alam. I am the participant of Treasure Hunt.This program was conducted by Personal Growth Group (PGG) which is one of the club under Counseling Services Centre. In this program there are 3 international students which are 2 brothers from Yemen and a Somalian brother.It is very  interesting when dealing with them. From my observation  during the program,I can see that the two  brothers are very cool and energetic.They were very  friendly with Malaysian students and never give up in this programs.

One brother from Yemen called Ayad, like to ask my group members about Malay culture and language.He told  us that he have learned 400 Malay words and sometimes he cannot remembered all the words that he have learned. However, he ask us to correct his spelling when speak Malay.

The other brother named Mansur  also from Yemen and he likes to mix with Malaysian people and learned about our culture. Since he became the member of PGG's club, he took this  opportunity to know Malaysian very well and he also tried to the get as much he can tor build networking with Malaysian students. He also respect Malaysian culture and  he wish to visit our house during Eidul Fitri.

However,I did not have many chance to talk  with Somalian brother because of time consuming. The Somalian brother  looks steady and cool with his group members. He is enjoying today's activity.

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